Jason Wahler :: Living Life With Purpose & Passion :: Celebrity, Wellness, Family & Recovery

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Being of Service

A Happy Life Is A Life Of Service

It’s easy to feel helpless to make a difference when you look at the frightful mess the world is in today.  The fact is that change starts with all of us as individuals through acts of service. It is a bit of icing on the cake, that a life of service is also statistically a happy life!

As an advocate, national spokesperson and public speaker I use my personal experiences as a platform to be of service on the subjects of mental health, wellness and recovery. Serving others, and having a positive impact on someone else’s life reminds me of my value and purpose in life… and it makes me incredibly happy.

For me, being of service is, at it’s deepest roots, all about getting out of one's self; it's a chance to get out of your own head, put yourself in someone else's shoes and give them the opportunity to experience love and compassion. When you serve, you forget your own problems and are reminded that others also face difficulties in their lives. This helps you appreciate what you have, reminds you that we are all connected, and that you do not suffer alone.

In this month’s health and wellness blog I’m going to share a little bit about the freedom, peace and overwhelming joy that is the outcome of helping someone in need. I’m going to open up a world of good energy by showing you that being of service in 2022 is the key to happiness!

Why You Should Be Of Service In 2022

In recovery we learn that the decision to base our lives on being of service is actually a tool for living a happier, more peaceful and fulfilled life. I find that when I am guided by the principles of humility, gratitude, kindness and generosity, I in turn live a more successful, fulfilling and happy life. However, “Being of service” is not just an AA recovery term or a Twelve Step value; it is something that every human being should be putting into practice on a daily basis in 2022.

Have you ever noticed that when you are sad or upset it’s usually because you are thinking about yourself? Whether someone hurt you or something didn’t turn out the way you wanted, that discomfort is coming from within. People who are miserable tend to be stuck in self-seeking, self obsessed thought patterns and behaviors. Being of service and helping others is a great way to get yourself unstuck!  When you are feeling down, a sure-fire way to pick yourself up again is to do something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return.

When you are of service to others it reminds you that your problems and/or issues are a lot smaller than you probably make them. You gain a right –sized perspective on your own life, your own challenges, and how you can handle situations in the healthiest way. When you make serving others a top priority it is a win-win situation and by desiring to serve others you can open up new possibilities in all the relationships in your life.

Out Of The Darkness: How I Am Of Service

Part of my mission as a health and wellness ambassador is to help people get out of the darkness and into the light by providing them with opportunities for success. Everyone has their own journey and by helping others I gain such a deep appreciation for the “Live and let live” perspective.

It can be challenging to have empathy all the time, but I realize that not everyone has had access to tools and resources or has done the work that I have; not everyone has the awareness and freedom of choice as I do. Therefore I see daily opportunities in every aspect of my life to be a kinder, nicer person, and chances for my heart to expand with love and compassion.

 Here are the ways that I have chosen to be of service:

•   On a daily basis I have people who are struggling reaching out to me and I take the time to respond, connect, and share my truth.

•   I am available to offer guidance as a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen but also as a resource for getting people the help they need, adequate facilities, and a safe place for healing when they don't know where to turn.

•   I share a message of hope through speaking engagements for seminars, city councils, schools and companies.

•   I bring awareness to the signs and symptoms of addiction and mental health issues.

•   I participate in podcasts and interviews and use my media platform to give back.

•   I pay it forward by writing blogs, sharing tangible tips and valuable content as an information resource.

•   I share and listen and offer solutions in fellowship with individuals and groups.

A Happy Life Is a Life Of Service

We all grew up with the golden rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. But in 2022 it’s even More important to “Love thy neighbor” and discover why a happy life is a life of service.

The fact is that change starts with you, your family and your community. As a parent with a young family I know how important it is to create a strong family unit with core values such as kindness, respect, love, and acts of service. We are part of the foundation of strong neighborhoods, which together make up the power of our nation.  Being of service starts with families and community. If people the world over put service at the center of their lives, we would see many more peaceful society’s built on respect, support, empathy, reciprocity, kindness, and love.